어제 절반만 복습해서 나머지 오늘 복습합니다.
그의 누나는 도시 반대편에 산다
His older sister lives on the other side of the city.
1년에 4번 정도 만난다.
We usually see each other four times in a year.
그녀를 한번씩 만난다.
I rarely(barely) see her. or I see her once in a blue moon.
탄력 근무제를 실시하고있다
My company have a flexible working system.
12시 반에 잔다
I usually sleep at 12:30 a.m.
민수는 그녀의 외향에 대해 설명했다
Minsu explained how she looks like.
라라랜드는 슬프기만 한게 아니라 긍정적인 것도 있었다.
La La Land was not only sad but there were some positive things as well.
나는 미국문화 유산을 봤다
I saw the Amarican cultural heritage
나는 일본에 갈 계획이다.
I have plan to go to Japan.
나는 아빠와 닮았다고 생각한다.
I thing I’m similar to my father.
to는 사람 with는 사물임
나는 위쪽에 살고 부모님은 아래쪽에 산다.
I live in the north and my parents live in the south.
그녀는 어떻게 생겼나요?
What does she look like?
Describe her appearance.
Can you describe her appearance.
Tell me what does she look like.
사람들을 만나기로 되어있었다
I was supposed to meet some people.
요즘, 시계를 살까 생각중이다
These days, I’m thinking of buying a watch.
난 보통 8시에 일하러 간다.
I usually go to work 8’o clock.
그날 내친구가 집에 왔다.
That day my friend came to my house.
나는 보통 약속에 늦는다.
I’m usually late for appointments.
Excuse me. Do you have the time?
It’s half past three.
Are you sure? It can’t be that late.
I’m sure. My watch keeps good time.
I wonder what happend to the time.
You must be late for something.
Some people were supposed to meet at three.
Something must be wrong with your watch.
3시 30분이야
It’s half past three.
It’s half three.
It’s three thirty.
나는 친구에게 뉴욕이 몇시인지 물어봤다
I asked to my friend about time in New York.
내가 요리를 하면, 너는 설거지를 해라
If I cook the food, you will wash the dishes.
내가 부자라면, 일안할꺼야
If I’m a rich man, I will not work.
분명히 뒤야
Definitely behind.
Surely behind.
Certainly behind.
미국도 좋았다
America is also good.
I was my first time.
You got it.
You figured it out.
오늘 일했다
I worked today.
잘되가고 있다
It is going to be fine.
내 나라에는 사계절이 있다.
There are four seasons in my country.
나는 열두시에 자러 간다
I go to sleep at 12’o clock.
비가 많이오는걸 싫어한다
I don’t like it when it’s raining heavily.
조금씩 오는 비를 좋아한다.
I like light rain.
숫자표기 규칙
기본 규칙(예외 규칙은 아래에)
10 미만은 스펠로 적고 10 이상은 숫자로 적는다
zero, one man, five bears, 10 boxes, 96 people, 104 books, ninth floor, 15th floor.
- 년도로 시작하지 않는한 스펠로 적는다
Twenty people gathered to talk about the issue.
1995 is a year of unusual weather patterns.
- 숫자를 나열한 경우 10미만 이상이 섞여 있어도 일관되게 적어라
She has four brothers aged 7, 9, 12, and 15.
- 단위는 숫자로 적어라
5 centimeters
9 year old
$5 money
20 kilomters
- 날짜 형식
On the 30th of June, 1934
June 30, 1934
긴 o 발음
boat, goat
짧은 u 발음
거기 가봤어?
Have you gone there?
그녀는 어떤 모습인가요?
How does she look? (like)